Your Color

"Give crayons. Adults are disturbingly impoverished of these magical dream sticks."
"Bad Day" by Shash

We’ve all had our share of adventures with crayons, but many of us have forgotten how much fun they really are! Nothing is more inspiring that admiring the crayonic musings of others around us. With crayons, it’s impossible to go wrong.   
Send a copy of your work to

Make sure title your creation, and tell me your (real or fake) name so I can credit you!
Tell me your favorite crayon color, a quote that is dear to you, a song, an image... anything at all that you’d like to say. Be as fun as possible!

"CRAYONSSSS!!!!!!!!!! I've unlocked some secret chamber reserved for crayon love in me tonight, and I'm exploiting it as much as I can before it goes away." ~D.U; Crayon Aficionado